Happy Presidents' Day! Branches will be closed Monday, Feb 17

Call center, online & mobile banking available!

Drive into the New Year with $200 & 60 days payment free

"Hi! I'm Chris. If I'm not at work, I'm either with my kids, doing homework for school, or at the gym."

  • Joining FAST Credit Union makes you part of something bigger: the cooperative movement. Learn more about it here. 
  • FAST Credit Union is not-for-profit.  We’re not about making money, we’re about improving your finances and serving you!
  • FAST Credit Union is about community!  We know it’s up to us to help make our world better and we’re doing just that!  In 2024, our Staff, Board and Committees volunteered 2,677 hours to improving our communities!
  • FAST Credit Union is safe, strong and secure, ranked in the top 1% of all credit unions nationwide.*
  • We were created in 1953 to serve our members and to improve lives.  70-years later, our focus continues – serving our members and improving lives!
  • Oh, and there are lots of great financial reasons to join FAST Credit Union too:

*Healthiest Credit Unions in the Nation - depositaccounts.com
*APY–Annual Percentage Yield


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Apple App

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Android App

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